Fundamentals of computer set 2

Part - I Choose the correct answer
1 Mark each

1) Which if the following memories is an optical memory?
a) Bootable memory
b) core memory
d) Floppy disk

2) 1110 binary is equivalent to ............ in decimal
a) 11
b) 15
c) 14
d) 10

3) A collection of four bits is called
a) Nibble
b) word
c) byte
d) double word

4) Which of the following is the internal memory of the computer?
a) CPU register
b) cache
c) main memory
d) all of the above

5) .............. input device is also known as game controller.
a) Track ball
b) Joystick
c) OMR
d) light pen

6) ............. Scans a set of vertical bars of different width for specific data
a) OMR
c) OBR
d) Barcode

7) Which of the following storage is volatile?
a) Semiconductor memory
b) floppy disk
d) core memory

8) Punched cards were first introduced by ............
a) Powers
b) Pascal
c) Jacquard
d) Hollerith

9) Access time of present day RAM is measured in ................
a) micro seconds
b) milli seconds
c) nano seconds
d) centi seconds

10) ................. is a volatile memory
a) ROM
b) Cache
c) Magnetic Memory
d) Flash Memory

11) 1GB means = ................. Bytes
a) 1024 KB
b) 1024 MB
c) 1024 TB
d) None of these

12) The hexadecimal equivalent of a decimal number 749 is ...............
a) 2EB
b) 2ED
c) 2EC
d) E2D

13) First integrated circuit chip was developed by ...............
a) Babbage
b) WH Britain
c) J S Kilby
d) Robert Noyce

14) ............. Is the first in the world

15) A ................ Is the smallest element of information used by a computer
a) Byte
c) Binary
b) Nibble
d) bite

16) ............... computer in which the CPU is a microprocessor
a) Mini
b) Micro
c) Super
d) Desktop

17) The speed of the computer is generally measured in ............
a) Bytes
b) Flops
c) Bits
d) None

18) ............. is a network device that connects dissimilar network
a) Routers
b) Hub
c) Gateway
d) NIC

19) ............... Is a bidirectional communication scheme
a) Simplex
b) Half duplex
c) Full duplex
d) Twisted pair

20) .............. created the invention of Hydraulic press
a) Newfon
b) Hertz
c) Pascal
d) Planck

21) In .............. generation Vacuum tubes are used
a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Fourth

22) Which of the following is a secondary storage device
a) Scanner
b) Printer
c) Flash drive
d) None of these

23) Booting a computer when the power is switched ON from OFF state is known as
a) rebooting
b) cold Booting
c) warm Booting
d) none of these

24) The hardware device used to input text or images into the computer
a) light Pen
b) joystick
c) trackball
d) scanner

25) ........... is a single user operation system
b) WINDOWS 2000
c) Unix

26) In Binary Coded Decimal each decimal digit is represented using ...............
a) nibble
b) byte
c) word
d) none of the above

27) The 2 s complement of 1100 is .............
a) 0000
b) 0101
c) 1111
d) 0011

28) in flow chart representation the diamond symbol represents ...........
a) connection
b) process
c) Input/output
d) decision making

29) The speed of the super computer is measured in terms of .............
a) GB
b) rpm
c) Tera flops
d) GHz

30) A name or number used to identify a storage location is called ...............
a) Byte
b) A record
c) An address
d) All of the above

31) ............... topology combines the characteristics of us and stas topologies
a) mesh
b) ring
c) unes
d) tree

32) DOS command used to display the directory in multiple columns  is ..........
a) Dir/B
b) Dir/W
c) VER
d) Dir/M

33) A private network inde a company or organization is called ...............
a) Extranet
b) Intranet
c) Internet
d) Browser

34) A communication network which is used by large organizations over regional, national or global areas is called .................
a) LAN
b) WAN
c) MAN
d) Intranet

35) In a standard keyboard ............... is also called the new line key.
a) Tab
b) Space
c) Shift
d) Enter

36) Dot matrix printer is a type of ...........
a) impact Printer
b) Laser Printer
c) Line Printer
d) Non impact Printer

Part - II Fill in the blanks
1 Mark each

37) Normally operating system is loaded in the ............. partition

38) Magnetic tap is a .......….... storage device.

39)  .......…... is a command used to create a file in DOS.

40) In DOS ........... command I used to create a directory.

41) The ............. command displays amount of total and available memory.

42) Transistor was introduced in the ............... generation.

43) Shortcut key to select all is ...............

44) ............... command is used to change the name of a file.

45) 2's Compliment of 10110 is ...............

46) The command ................. deletes a subdirectory.

47) The base of the octal system is ...............

48) ............. is an example of Impact printer.

49) ............. is a place to store something temporarily.

50) ............. waves have frequency higher than 100 MHZ will travel in straight line.

51) ............ invented and published logarithms.

52) 1's complement is a method of storing ............. values.

53) A device which works only when the system is working are called ................ memory device.

54) ................ and ................ are the supercomputers produced in India.

56) .............. is a very powerful calculating device.

57) A ................. is a electromechanical device or group of devices that can perform autonomous or preprogrammed tasks.

58) The most commonly used keyboard start
The number of dots on the screen is called as ................

59) .............. is a output device used to produce hard copy of graphs drawing and diagrams.

60) .............. is a high speed interface that developed by Apple Computer.

61) A serial port is a ........... pin connector.

62) The term BIT is an abbreviation for the expression .................

63) ............... is the command used in DOS to create text files.

64) The set of signal lines that carry data to or from memory is known as the ...............

65) The images in the computer screen are displayed in dots called ..............

66) The process of loading the minimum operating system from a secondary storage device to the RAM of a computer is known as ........…....

67) The ............ translate the source program into machine language, line by line and executes it if there is no error.

68) ................. Is a ROM that can be erased and reprogrammed.

69) .......... displays the name of the application being run or the document being used in the current window.

70) ...…..... was developed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) to provide royalty-free software to programmers and developers.

71) A portion of secondary storage device that is reserved to store the m um operating system is called as ................

72) 1KB = ............... bytes.

73) ........... Translate intormanon from one network to another.

74) The main distinguishing feature of the generation digital computer will be .............

75) ........... Is a bidirectional communication scheme that alternatively send and  receives data.

76) ................. is a set of rules that governs the communication between computers on a network.

77) .................. is a device for pointing on a computer display screen.

78) ................ is considered as the first Electronic Computer in the world.

79) The program wnten in high level language is called ...................

80) Computer software are mainly closed into ............. and ................

Part V State whether True or False
1 Mark each

81)Normal Hard disk drives are designated as A Drive and drive.

82) Del key delete the character to the loft of the cursor.

85) Permanent storage of o program inside a computer is done in RAM.

86) The stored program concept was developed by Von Neumann.

87) A compiler is a system software that translate high level language into machine language.

88) A hexadecimal system has eight symbol.

89) An interpreter executes one program line at a time.

90) Abacus is a very powerful calculating device.

91) The word computer comes from the Greek word 'Compute' which means to cook.

92) The brain of computer is Hard Disk.

93) Parallel communication is used for all long haul communications.

94) instructions and expressions are wniten n low level language.

95) CPU stands for Control Peripheral Unit.

96) LINUX is a single user Operating System.

97) Cache memory sa place to store los permanently.

98) A hubs a hardware device used to connect several computers together.

99) A batch file contains a series of commands created under a name having an extension BAT.

100) ISP is a company that sells internet connection via modem.

101) L2 cache always built into CPU.

102) Switches broadcast network packets.

103) Machine codes is a high level language.

104) Difference Engine was invented by Blaise Pascal.

105) The output generated by a printer is generally called soft copy.

Part VI Give shortcut keys for the following
3 Marks each

106) Static and Dynamic Memory.

107) Explain Moore's law.

108) Explain Network topologies.

109) What are the different types of ROM?

110) What is internet? Explain in detail the applications of internet.

111) Wrte the algorithm and draw flowchart to find the greater of two given numbers.

112) Explain modes of data transmission.

113) Explain Generation of computers.

114) Wite short notes on :
a) Assembler
b) Interpreter

115) Diference between dos commands and Linux commands.

116) Explain Robotics.

117) Explain Computer Memory Devices (Electronic type only).

118) Explain five external commands in DOS.

119) Types of connection.

120) Pointing device.

121) Synchronous and Asynchronous transmission.

122) Features of Algorithm.

123) Explain EXTRANET?

124) What is a boot sector virus?

125) What is Trojan Virus.

126) What is meant by flash memory.

127) What s cache memory? What is its use?

128) Write DOS command to list all files  having names starting with "a".

129) Write DOS command to list all files which has second character of file name as "a".

130) Write DOS command to osplay of all files having jpg extension.

131) write DOS command to delete all files having "bmp" as the file name extension.

132) write DOS command to delete all files in a directory.

133) write DOS command to analyze the directories file, file allocation table etc of C drive and tpo display a status report.

134) Wite DOS command to format A drive and to copy system files to A drive.

135) Write DOS command to hide a file.

136) Write DOS command to display the directory in sorted order of size.

137) Write DOS command to change the MS DOS command prompt.

138) Write short note on :
a) modem
b) ISP

Part VII Answer the following

5 Marks each

139) Write any five internal commands in DOS.

140) Write Answer the following
a) Gateway
b) Hub
c) Routers
d) Bridges

141) What are the different types of printers

142) Different types of networks

143) Explain any five input devices.

144) Explain Printers, Various Types, Features and Comparison.

145) Computer Network, Various Types, Features and Comparison.

146) Explain the different types of Computer Virus.

147) Give a note on different types of operating systems.

148) How do we protect your computer against virus?

149) Difference between Algorithm and Flowchart

150) Explain Language processors

151) Write short notes on
a) Compiler
b) Interpreter
c) Assembler

152) Write the steps to properly remove an installed program.


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