PDCFA - Accounting Previous Questions




Question code            :  E1
Time.                            : 2 hours
Maximum Marks       : 100
(Note: Write the answers for Questions from 1 to 30 in the MCQ answer sheet)

Part - I Choose the most appropriate answer
(10 x 1 Marks 10 Marks)

1) Direct expenses are shown in..........account.
a) Trading
b) P&L
c) Balance Sheet
d) None of These

2)......... is allowed by the creditor to debtor for prompt payment.
a) Trade Discount
b) Cash Discount
c) Rebate
d) Allowance

3) The difference in the Trial Balance is transferred to ..............
a) Capital Account
b) Suspense Account
c) Difference Account
d) Balance Sheet

4) Wrong totaling is an error of ............
a) Commission
b) Omission
c) Principle
d) None of These

5) Total number of Ledger, Groups, Entries etc can be shown from ............
a) Tally Audit
b) Statistics
c)Accounts lnformation
d) Company Information

6 When money is withdrawn from bank, the bank ............. the account of customer.
a) Debits
b) Credits
c) Contra
d) None of these

7 Debentures come under ............. head of the balance sheet.
a) Reserve
b) Provision
c) Unsecured Loan
d) Secured Loan

8) Which financial statement can be made from Trial Balance?
a) Sales
b) Ledger
c) Balance Sheet
d) All of these

9) Which shortcut key is used to export data of any company in Microsoft Excel Spread sheet,
HTML or XML format?
a) Alt+O
b) Alt+S
c) Alt+E
d) Alt+P

10) Suspense account group is defined under .......
a) Assets
b) Income
c) Expenditure
d) Liabilities

Part - II Fill in the blanks
(10 x 1 Mark 10 Marks)

11) Cash book will always show ......... balance.

12) A bank charge is .......... to the customer

13) Contra entries appears in ..........

14) A ......... is an evidence of a transaction.

15) Credit note number is recorded in ..........

16) Discount allowed is ...........

17) The short cut key to quit from Tally is .........

18) TDS deduction entry can be made through .......... in Tally

19) To declare a voucher as post dated press ........... in Tally

20) Credit in Liability means ............

Part - III  State whether True or False
(10 x 1 Marks 10 Marks)
21) Overdraft facility is available only to current account holders

22) Trial Balance is a basis on which final accounts are prepared

23) Inventory is related to stock

24) Delivery note voucher is pure inventory voucher

25) Discount allowed is an Income

26) The first version of Tally was released in the year 1988.

27) The amount of balance of permanent account is brought down to next accounting year.

28) Suspense account group is defined under Liabilities in Tally

29) F12 key is used to show the cheque numbers while reconciling bank accounts in Tally.

30) Peach Tree accounting has a report group feature

(Part IV, Part V എന്നിവയുടെ ഉത്തരങ്ങൾ മലയാളത്തിലും എഴുതാം)

Part - IV Answer the following (Any Five)
(5 x 10 Marks = 50 Marks)
31) Explain Book Keeping and Accounting

32) Explain Debit note with a neat format

33) On 31 Jan. 2019, the pass book of a merchant showed a debit balance of Rs.4,500/- On comparing with the cash book, the following reasons for the difference have been noted.

a) Three cheques to the value of Rs.3,800/-, Rs.2,000/- and Rs.5,250/- paid in to the bank before 31 January have not been credited

b) Cheque issued to Mr Jackson Rs. 1,500/- Simon Rs. 1400/- and Manu Rs. 1,450/- during
January have not been cashed

c) A Clerical mistake was found out in the remittance of Rs.5,325/- was entered in the cash book as Rs.3,525/-

d) A cheque for Rs.2,350/- received from Sam on 28 January was entered in the cash book but was omitted to be banked.

Prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 31 January 2019

34) What are the techniques of financial analysis?

35) What are the benefits of Cash flow statement?

36) What are the difference between Receipt and Payment account and Income and Expenditure account

37) Distinguish between Trade Discount and Cash Discount

Part - V Answer the following (Any One)
(1 x 20 Marks 20 Marks)

38) Explain in detail about Electronic Way Bill in GST.

39) Explain in detail about Peach Tree Reports.

40) Following is the Receipt and Payment account of Thoolika Club for the year ending 31 st December 2018

Receipt Amount Payment Amount
To Balance b/d 2500   By Salaries 2800
To Subscription 11000   By General Expenses 3500
To Legacy 3000   By Printing & Stationary 600
To Locker Rent 2000  By Rent Rate and Insurance 1800
To Entrance Fees 3000   By Balance c/d
To Sports Receipts 1800 Fixed Deposit 5000
Current Account 800
Cash In Hand 8800
23300 23300

A) The stock of stationery on 01.01.2018 was Rs.300/- and at the end of the year it was Rs.150/-

B) Outstanding subscription on 01.01.2018 was Rs. 800/     (Outstanding subscriptions on 31.12.2018 was Rs.1,800/-subscriptions received in advance on 01.01.2018 was Rs.600/- and on December 31, it was Rs.450/-)

C) Furniture on 01.01.2018 was Rs.8,000/- and Library books Rs.5,000/-

D) Provide depreciation at 10% on furniture and Library books.

Prepare income and Expenditure Account for the year ending 31 December 2018


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