PGDCA System Engineering & RDBMS Previous Questions
System Engineering, RDBMS & SQL
Question Code : E5
Time : 2 hours
Maximum Marks : 100
(Note: Write the answers for Questions from 1 to 30 in the MCQ answer sheet)
Time : 2 hours
Maximum Marks : 100
(Note: Write the answers for Questions from 1 to 30 in the MCQ answer sheet)
Part - I Choose the most appropriate answer
(10 X 1 Mark = 10 Marks)
(10 X 1 Mark = 10 Marks)
1) To eliminate duplicate rows ............. is used.
a) Duplicate
b) Eliminate
c) Distinct
d) Inverse
a) Duplicate
b) Eliminate
c) Distinct
d) Inverse
2) In an E-R diagram attributes are represented by ..............
a) Rectangle
b) Square
c) Ellipse
d) Triangle
3) The number of tuples in a relation is called its ..............
a) Columns
b) Degree
c) Keys
d) Cardinality
4) What field type is best to store serial numbers?
a) Text
b) AutoNumber
c) Number
d) Varchar
5) In SQL, data definition commands make up an .................
a) XML
b) DDL
c) DML
6) In RDBMS, data is represented as a collection of ................
a) Relation
b) Queries
c) Entities
d) Attributes
7) The view of total database content is ............
a) Conceptual view
b) Internal view
c) External view
d) Physical View.
8) .............. is the test performed on individual modules
a) Alpha
b) Stub
c) Beta
d) Audit
9) Which of the following is not comparison operator?
a) >
b) ==
c) =
d) >=
10) In E-R Diagram relationship type is represented by X
a) Ellipse
b) Dashed
b) ellipse
c) Rectangle
d) Diamond
Part - II Fill in the Blanks
(10 X 1 Mark 10 Marks)
(10 X 1 Mark 10 Marks)
11) ISR stands for ...................
12) ................ are suitable for collecting response from large number of people.
13) ............. is a combination of two or more attributes and are used as a primary key.
14) ............... input is the oldest and most traditional input method.
15) .............. is the process of restoring database in the event of failures.
16) ................ is the first activity in system development life cycle.
17) In SQL, .............. clause specifies a search condition for a group or an aggregate.
18) In E-R diagram, .................... represents relationship sets.
19) ............ is the process of collecting sample documents, forms and records.
20) The number of attributes in a relation is called its ................
Part - III State whether True or False
(10 X 1 Mark = 10 Marks)
(10 X 1 Mark = 10 Marks)
21) A row in a database can also be called as a domain.
22) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an example of a single user database.
23) Waterfall model states that the phases are organized in the non linear order.
24) The result of every SQL query is a table.
25) Forms can only be used to enter new information.
26) A database has data and relationships
27) SELECT is a DDL command.
28) The ORDER BY keyword is used to sort the result-set in ascending or descending order.
29) DBMS stands for Database Management System.
30) The LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern in a column.
Part - IV Answer the following (Any Eight)
(8 X 5 Marks = 40 Marks)
(8 X 5 Marks = 40 Marks)
81) Explain MIS
32) Explain E-R modeling symbols
33) Write short note on scheduling and change over in system implementation.
34) Write short note on SQL Operators
35) Explain the ways of change over procedure from old to new System
36) Explain Normalization.
37) Cost Benefit Evaluation methods
38) Explain Normalization methods
39) Explain Instances and Schema
40) Explain Advantages of Databases.
41) Mention different types of SQL Joins.
42) Explain File access modes
Part - V Answer the following (Any Three)
(3 X 10 Marks = 30 Marks)
(3 X 10 Marks = 30 Marks)
43) Explain in detail about the data collection techniques.
44) Explain different data models in RDBMS.
45) Explain various operations on relations (Relational Algebra) in RDBMS
46) Explain Cost Benefit Evaluation Method
47) Briefly explain about File design, classification of files and file access modes.
48) Explain SDLC.
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