Web Design and PHP


Question code. B4

Time: 2 hours

Maximum Marks: 100

Note: Write the answers for Questions from 1 to 30 in the MCQ answer sheet 

Part -I Choose the most appropriate answer

(10 x 1 Mark = 10 Marks)

1) Which of the following tag is used to create an unordered list?

a) <ul>

b) <ol>

c) <unordered>

d) <uo>

2) In HTML ................ is an invisible character that takes up one space

a) &amp;

b) \t

c) &nbsp;

d) <br>

3) Which among the following element has a closing tag?

a) <BR>

b) <HR>

c) <H1>

d) None

4) Which among the following JavaScript codes will give an output 10

a) X='5'+'5';

b) X='5+5';

c) X=5+5;

d) b & c

5) What will be the output of the PHP code given below?


$x = "test"; echo '$x';


a) test

b) '$x'

c) $x

d) "test"

6) Which statement is used to open a link in new browser window

a) <a href="url" target=_blank">

b) <a href="url" target="new">

c) <a href="url" new>

d) All of these

7) Which among the following PHP function is used to open files?

a) fopen()

b) flopen()

c) filopen()

d) fileopen()

8) Which among the following is not a case sensitive language?

a) JavaScript 


c) C++

d) None of these

9) In an HTML form, ................ method sends the data without displaying any of the information to the visitor

a) GET




10) in JavaScript, function will print the current webpage when executed

a) document.print()

b) window.print()

c) form.print()

d) print()

Part - II Fill in the blanks

(10 x 1 Mark = 10 Marks)

11) In HTML, ............. Attribute is used to seal a border around the image

12) CSS stands for ..................

13) in HTML, ................ tag is used to divide the single browser window into two window panes

14) A PHP variable names must be prefixed with .................. symbol

15) In PHP the .................... function can be used to convert the first letter of every word to uppercase

16) .................... command is used in HTML to insert an image

17) Hyperlinks are created with .................

18) <TR>, <TD>, <TH> are available in ............... tag

19) All PHP statements are terminated with a ...............

20) In PHP, ................ variable types hold a value of true (or) false.

Part - III State whether true or false

(10 x 1 Mark = 10 Marks)

21) The setcookie function must appear before the <HTML> tag

22) Web developers cannot set the link colors for their documents

23) In PHP, a variable must be declared before being set. T

24) in PHP, '&' Operator is used for string concatenation

25) An array stores multiple values in one single variable.

26) JavaScript is a server side scripting language.

27) The <FRAMESET> element is placed in the HTML document before the <BODY> element

28) JavaScript can only run on Windows

29) CSS attribute for various HTML tags of general application can be declared in the <HEAD> section

30) Semicolon is optional for ending a statement in JavaScript

Part - IV Give the output of the following code segment

(5 x 2 Marks = 10 Marks)



echo strlen("Web Design and PHP");




echo str_word_count("Web Design and PHP");




echo strrev("WebDesign");




echo strpos("Web Design and PHP","Web");




echo str_replace("World","Ram","Hello World");


Part - V Explain the following (Any Six)

(6 x 5 Marks = 30 Marks)

36) What are the three parts of a CSS syntax?

37) Explain CSS background and its elements

38) What are the various types of lists in an HTML form?

39) Explain about external style sheet, internal style sheet inline styles and multiple style sheets in CSS

40) Write the PHP code to print 25 random numbers between 1 and 50

41) Write the MYSQL query to select the name and register number from the table student in alphabetical order. Also write the query to change all marks between 35 and 40 to 40.

42) Write a PHP script to create a cookie.

43) What is the use of LINK, VLINK and ALINK attributes in an html document?

44) How a hyperlink is created in html? Give one example.

Part - VI Explain the following (Any Three)

(3 x 10 Marks = 30 Marks)

45) Briefly explain about the different conditional statements and looping statements in PHP with suitable examples

46) Mention any five date and time functions used in JavaScript

47) Explain frameset and its attributes in HTML.

48) Explain three types of arrays in PHP

49) Write the HTML codes for following form with method POST and Qualification options SSLC Plus Two, Degree, Post Graduation. Also write the PHP code to insert the details entered in the form to a table in MYSQL database.


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